Last week we saved seniors over $5,000 on their auto-insurance just by taking this DMV Licensed course and showing the completion certificate to their auto agent.
The Mature Driver Improvement Course provides instruction on defensive driving and California motor vehicle laws. During this course, information is provided on the effects that medication, fatigue, alcohol, visual or auditory limitations have on a person's driving ability.
Mature drivers, 55 or older, who successfully complete an approved Driver Improvement Course qualify for reduced motor vehicle insurance premiums. California law allows insurance companies to determine the percentage of premium reduction.
$17.95 after $2 discount for AARP or AAA members. Your certificate is good for 3 years, for $5.98 per year you save %5 to %15 off your auto-insurance. When your certificate time is up your welcome to come back and take the course again to get another certificate that will be good for an addtional 3 years. You can renew your discount for as long as you drive.
While California Law states that the Mature Driver Improvement course is for those 55 and older most auto-insurance companies accept certificates from those ages 50 and up. The reason for this is other states start their mature driver courses at age 50, we have learned by agents referring customers to us that ages 50 and up is their standard, you can ask your insurance agent if you are unsure